Effective Communication Skills Programme

Each session will be based on:

  • Discussions
  • Texts
  • Language works
  • Spoken skills
  • Case study


The aim of this programme is to familiarize learners with all the terms relating to their professional surrounding, thus reaching toward their self-confidence.

Sessions will be based on the following topics:

  • Communication
  • International marketing
  • Building relationship
  • Success
  • Job satisfaction
  • E-commerce
  • Team building
  • Raising finance
  • Crisis management
  • Management styles
  • Takeovers and mergers
  • The future of business


The termination of each topic will be determined by the audience mood and participation, as very often they like to linger some more on certain topic which is of more interest to them.



Module 1 :-


Part l –

Importance of each type of communication:

  • Telephone
  • Written
  • Face to face


Part ll –

The nine techniques of behavioral communication linking them to professional situations.


Part lll –

The necessity of positive mind power to master personal and interpersonal communication skills.

Aim: To give a new birth to your personality, this is very often unsatisfied or uncompleted due to lack of desired qualities still missing in you.  Thus, through this programme, you will gain:

Energy + Dynamism + Optimism + leadership = SELF CONFIDENCE



Module 2 :-


In the last few years, thanks to jobs becoming global, the importance of English has increased manifold. It has over the years become an important medium of communication, both at the international and intra-national levels. The importance of spoken English is even more, because there are many cases where one knows his subject well, but fails to communicate it properly. The practice of spoken English, therefore, is quite essential. Learning English in a country where it is not a native language opens a number of opportunities for the individual. In today’s corporate world, the need for effective communication has been recognized and accepted more than the technical knowledge. The language of the corporate world is English.

This unit is a comprehensive survey of grammar in simple modern English. This part is conducted exclusively in English, to help the students learn how to:

  • Use correct speaking accents.
  • Modulate the words to find the correct language rhythm.
  • Learn common English idiomatic expressions
  • Learn rules for translating from and to other languages.



Module 3 :-


French is spoken as a first language by around 136 million people worldwide. More than 500 million people speak it as either a first, second, or foreign language. Moreover, some 200 million people learn French as a foreign language. French speaking communities are present in 56 countries and territories. It provides users with worldwide career and education opportunities in all francophone countries.

Parvenir à l’excellence dans la communication avec les autres est un processus complexe composé de plusieurs savoir-faire fondamentaux. Parmi, on a les langues – sans lesquelles on ne pourra jamais communiquer efficacement. Le Français, en tant que langue commune, assure l’inter – communication internationale de tous ceux qui en font usage, qu’ils soient francophones ou non.


Contenue :

  • Accords
  • Verbes
  • Orthographe d’usage
  • Homophones
  • Signes orthographique
  • Traduction
  • Conversation
  • Analyse d’accent


Notional Study Hours – 140 hours

Validation of Competencies – 5 x 2 = 10 hours

Duration of Course – 3 months

Number of Module – 3 modules

Hours per Week – 8 hours

Fees – Rs 30 000